本文目的是查看 Eloquent 在执行模型关联时运行的 SQL 语句
数据表之间经常会互相进行关联。例如,一篇博客文章可能会有多条评论,或是一张订单可能对应一个下单客户。Eloquent 让管理和处理这些关联变得很容易,同时也支持多种类型的关联:
- 一对一
- 一对多
- 多对多
- 远层一对多
- 多态关联
- 多态多对多关联
| php artisan make:controller EloquentController
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| Route::get('/', function () { return view('welcome'); }); Route::get('eloquent/one-to-one', [ 'as' => 'eloquent.one.to.one', 'uses' => 'EloquentController@oneToOne', ]); Route::get('eloquent/one-to-many', [ 'as' => 'eloquent.one.to.many', 'uses' => 'EloquentController@oneToMany', ]); Route::get('eloquent/many-to-many', [ 'as' => 'eloquent.many.to.many', 'uses' => 'EloquentController@manyToMany', ]); Route::get('eloquent/has-many-through', [ 'as' => 'eloquent.has.many.through', 'uses' => 'EloquentController@hasManyThrough', ]); Route::get('eloquent/polymorphic-relations', [ 'as' => 'eloquent.polymorphic.relations', 'uses' => 'EloquentController@polymorphicRelations', ]); Route::get('eloquent/many-to-many-polymorphic-relations', [ 'as' => 'eloquent.many.to.many.polymorphic.relations', 'uses' => 'EloquentController@manyToManyPolymorphicRelations', ]);
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| php artisan make:model Models/League php artisan make:model Models/LeagueConfig
在 League
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| public function config() { return $this->hasOne('App\Models\LeagueConfig'); }
在 LeagueConfig
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| // LeagueConfig.php 一份配置对应一名加盟商 public function league() { return $this->hasOne('App\Models\League'); }
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| public function oneToOne(Request $request) { DB::enableQueryLog(); $data = League::find(8)->config; foreach (DB::getQueryLog() as $sql) { dump($sql['query']); } dump($data); }
查看 SQL
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| SELECT * FROM `z_league` WHERE `z_league`.`id` = 8 LIMIT 1; SELECT * FROM `z_leagueconfig` WHERE `z_leagueconfig`.`league_id` = 8 AND `z_leagueconfig`.`league_id` IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1;
场景是仓库一种 SKU 的水果能被多名加盟商进货
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| php artisan make:model Models/Product php artisan make:model Models/ProductLeague
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| public function league() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductLeague', 'pid'); }
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| public function oneToMany(Request $request) { DB::enableQueryLog(); $data = Product::find(3062)->league; foreach (DB::getQueryLog() as $sql) { dump($sql['query']); } dump($data); }
查看 SQL
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| SELECT * FROM `z_product` WHERE `z_product`.`id` = 3062 LIMIT 1; SELECT * FROM `z_productleague` WHERE `z_productleague`.`pid` = 3062 AND `z_productleague`.`pid` IS NOT NULL;
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| php artisan make:model Models/User php artisan make:model Models/Voucher php artisan make:model Models/VoucherRecord
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| public function voucher() { return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Voucher', 'z_voucher_record', 'uid', 'vid'); }
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| public function user() { return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\User', 'z_voucher_record', 'vid', 'uid'); }
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| public function manyToMany(Request $request) { DB::enableQueryLog(); $vouchers = User::find(412115)->voucher; foreach (DB::getQueryLog() as $sql) { dump($sql['query']); } dump($vouchers); DB::enableQueryLog(); $user = Voucher::find(395)->user; foreach (DB::getQueryLog() as $sql) { dump($sql['query']); } dump($user); }
查看 SQL
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| # 查询 ID 为 42115 的用户使用过的优惠券 SELECT * FROM `z_user` WHERE `z_user`.`id` = 412115; LIMIT 1 SELECT `z_voucher`.*, `z_voucher_record`.`uid` AS `pivot_uid` , `z_voucher_record`.`vid` AS `pivot_vid` FROM `z_voucher` INNER JOIN `z_voucher_record` ON `z_voucher`.`id` = `z_voucher_record`.`vid` WHERE `z_voucher_record`.`uid` = 412115; # 查询 ID 为 395 的优惠券被哪些用户使用过 SELECT * FROM `z_voucher` WHERE `z_voucher`.`id` = 395; LIMIT 1 SELECT `z_user`.*, `z_voucher_record`.`vid` AS `pivot_vid` , `z_voucher_record`.`uid` AS `pivot_uid` FROM `z_user` INNER JOIN `z_voucher_record` ON `z_user`.`id` = `z_voucher_record`.`uid` WHERE `z_voucher_record`.`vid` = 395;
| php artisan make:model Models/Order
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| public function order() { return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Models\Order', 'App\Models\User', 'league_id', 'uid'); }
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| public function hasManyThrough(Request $request) { DB::enableQueryLog(); $data = League::find(20)->order; foreach (DB::getQueryLog() as $sql) { dump($sql['query']); } dump($data); }
查看 SQL
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| # 查询 ID 为 20 的加盟商旗下用户的商品订单 SELECT * FROM `z_league` WHERE `z_league`.`id` = 20 LIMIT 1; SELECT `z_order`.*, `z_user`.`league_id` FROM `z_order` INNER JOIN `z_user` ON `z_user`.`id` = `z_order`.`uid` WHERE `z_user`.`league_id` = 20;
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| php artisan make:model Models/Staff php artisan make:model Models/photos php artisan make:model Models/Products
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| public function polymorphicRelations(Request $request) { DB::enableQueryLog(); $staff = Staff::find(8)->photos; foreach (DB::getQueryLog() as $sql) { dump($sql['query']); } dump($staff); DB::enableQueryLog(); $products = Products::find(1)->photos; foreach (DB::getQueryLog() as $sql) { dump($sql['query']); } dump($products); }
查看 SQL
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| # 查看 ID 为 8 的职员的所有照片 SELECT * FROM `eloquent_staff` WHERE `eloquent_staff`.`id` = 8 LIMIT 1; SELECT * FROM `eloquent_photos` WHERE `eloquent_photos`.`imageable_id` = 8 AND `eloquent_photos`.`imageable_id` IS NOT NULL AND `eloquent_photos`.`imageable_type` = "App\Models\Staff"; # 查看 ID 为 1 的产品的所有图片 SELECT * FROM `eloquent_products` WHERE `eloquent_products`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1; SELECT * FROM `eloquent_photos` WHERE `eloquent_photos`.`imageable_id` = 1 AND `eloquent_photos`.`imageable_id` IS NOT NULL AND `eloquent_photos`.`imageable_type` = "App\Models\Products";
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| php artisan make:model Models/Tag php artisan make:model Models/Post php artisan make:model Models/Video
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| public function manyToManyPolymorphicRelations(Request $request) { DB::enableQueryLog(); $post_tags = Post::find(8)->tags; foreach (DB::getQueryLog() as $sql) { dump($sql['query']); } dump($post_tags); DB::enableQueryLog(); $video_tags = Video::find(8)->tags; foreach (DB::getQueryLog() as $sql) { dump($sql['query']); } dump($video_tags); DB::enableQueryLog(); $posts = Tag::find(4)->posts; foreach (DB::getQueryLog() as $sql) { dump($sql['query']); } dump($posts); DB::enableQueryLog(); $videos = Tag::find(4)->videos; foreach (DB::getQueryLog() as $sql) { dump($sql['query']); } dump($videos); }
查看 SQL
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| # 查询 ID 为 8 的文章所使用的标签 SELECT * FROM `eloquent_posts` WHERE `eloquent_posts`.`id` = 8 LIMIT 1; SELECT `eloquent_tags`.*, `eloquent_taggables`.`taggable_id` AS `pivot_taggable_id` , `eloquent_taggables`.`tag_id` AS `pivot_tag_id` FROM `eloquent_tags` INNER JOIN `eloquent_taggables` ON `eloquent_tags`.`id` = `eloquent_taggables`.`tag_id` WHERE `eloquent_taggables`.`taggable_id` = 8 AND `eloquent_taggables`.`taggable_type` = "App\Models\Post"; # 查询 ID 为 8 的视频所使用的标签 SELECT * FROM `eloquent_videos` WHERE `eloquent_videos`.`id` = 8 LIMIT 1; SELECT `eloquent_tags`.*, `eloquent_taggables`.`taggable_id` AS `pivot_taggable_id` , `eloquent_taggables`.`tag_id` AS `pivot_tag_id` FROM `eloquent_tags` INNER JOIN `eloquent_taggables` ON `eloquent_tags`.`id` = `eloquent_taggables`.`tag_id` WHERE `eloquent_taggables`.`taggable_id` = 8 AND `eloquent_taggables`.`taggable_type` = "App\Models\Video"; # 查询 ID 为 4 的标签下的文章 SELECT * FROM `eloquent_tags` WHERE `eloquent_tags`.`id` = 4 LIMIT 1; SELECT `eloquent_posts`.*, `eloquent_taggables`.`tag_id` AS `pivot_tag_id` , `eloquent_taggables`.`taggable_id` AS `pivot_taggable_id` FROM `eloquent_posts` INNER JOIN `eloquent_taggables` ON `eloquent_posts`.`id` = `eloquent_taggables`.`taggable_id` WHERE `eloquent_taggables`.`tag_id` = 4 AND `eloquent_taggables`.`taggable_type` = "App\Modes\Post"; # 查询 ID 为 4 的标签下的视屏 SELECT * FROM `eloquent_tags` WHERE `eloquent_tags`.`id` = 4 LIMIT 1; SELECT `eloquent_videos`.*, `eloquent_taggables`.`tag_id` AS `pivot_tag_id` , `eloquent_taggables`.`taggable_id` AS `pivot_taggable_id` FROM `eloquent_videos` INNER JOIN `eloquent_taggables` ON `eloquent_videos`.`id` = `eloquent_taggables`.`taggable_id` WHERE `eloquent_taggables`.`tag_id` = 4 AND `eloquent_taggables`.`taggable_type` = "App\Models\Video";