学习 TypeScript 的优势
- 支持 ES6 规范
- 强大的 IDE 支持:WebStorm
- Angular 2~4 的开发语言
安装 TypeScript 的开发环境
- 什么是 compiler?
- 为什么需要 compiler?
- 需要将 TypeScript 转化为 JavaScript 运行
- TypeScript 在线 compiler
- TypeScript 本地 compiler
- npm install -g typescript
- tsc –version
TypeScript 概念、语法和特性介绍
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| var string = `aaa bbb ccc`; var string = "aaa\n"+"bbb\n"+"ccc\n";
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| var name = "LuisEdware"; var getName = function(){ return "LuisEdware"; } console.log(`Hello ${name}`); console.log(`Hello ${getName()}`); console.log(`<div> <span>${name}</span> <span>${getName()}</span> </div> `); var name = "LuisEdware"; var getName = function () { return "LuisEdware"; }; console.log("Hello " + name); console.log("Hello " + getName()); console.log("<div>\n<span>" + name + "</span>\n<span>" + getName() + "</span>\n</div>\n");
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| function test(template, name, age) { console.log(template); console.log(name); console.log(age); } var name = "AnnEason"; var getAge = ""; test`hello my name is ${name}, i'm ${getAge}`; function test(template, name, age) { console.log(template); console.log(name); console.log(age); } var name = "AnnEason"; var getAge = ""; (_a = ["hello my name is ", ", i'm ", ""], _a.raw = ["hello my name is ", ", i'm ", ""], test(_a, name, getAge)); var _a;
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| var username: string = "Luis Edware"; # 编译报错、JavaScript 执行正常 username = 13; var age: number = 13; var man: boolean = true; function test(name: string): string{ return ""; } test(username); # 编译报错,需要提供字符串类型的参数 test(age);
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| function test(a: string, b: string, c:string = "jojo") { console.log(a); console.log(b); console.log(c); } test('xxx','yyy','zzz'); test('xxx','yyy');
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| function test(a: string, b?: string, c:string = 'jojo') { console.log(a); console.log(b.length); console.log(c); }
Rest and Spread 操作符,用来声明任意数量的方法参数
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| function func1(...args) { args.forEach(function(arg){ console.log(arg); }) } func1(1,2,3); func1(7,8,9,10,11); function func2(a,b,c){ console.log(a); console.log(b); console.log(c); } var args = [1,2]; func2(...args); var args2 = [7,8,9,10,11]; func2(...args2);
generator 函数,控制函数的执行过程,手工暂停和回复代码执行
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| function* getStockPrice(stock){ while(true){ yield Math.random()*100; } } var priceGenerator = getStockPrice("IBM"); var limitPrice = 15; var price = 100; while(price > limitPrice){ price = priceGenerator.next().value; console.log(`the generator return ${price}`); } console.log(`buying at ${price}`);
destructuring 析构表达式,通过表达式将对象或数组斋戒成任意数量的变量
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| function getStock(){ return { code: "IBM", price: 1000 } } var stock = getStock(); var code = stock.code; var price = stock.price; var {code,price} = getStock(); console.log(code); console.log(price); var {code: codex, price} = getStock(); console.log(codex); console.log(price); function getStock2(){ return { code: "IBM", price: { price1: 100, price2: 200 } } } var {code, price: {price2}} = getStock(); console.log(codex); console.log(price); var array1 = [1,2,3,4]; var [number1, number2] = array1; var [,,number3,number4] = array1; console.log(number1); console.log(number2); console.log(number3); console.log(number4); var [number1,number2, ...others] = array1; console.log(number1); console.log(number2); console.log(others); var array1 = [1,2,3,4]; function doSomething([number1,number2, ...others]){ console.log(number1); console.log(number2); console.log(others); } doSomething(array1);
箭头表达式:用来声明匿名函数,消除传统命名函数的 this 指针问题
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| var sum = (arg1, arg2) => arg1 + arg2; var sum2 = (arg1, arg2) => { return arg1 + arg2; } var myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; console.log(myArray.filter(value => value % 2 == 0)); function getStock(name: string) { this.name = name; var that = this; setInterval(function () { console.log("name is :" + that.name); },1000); } var stock1 = new getStock("Hello") function getStock2(name: string) { this.name = name; setInterval(() => { console.log("name is :" + this.name); }, 1000); } var stock2 = new getStock2("World");
循环,forEach(), for in 和 for of
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| var myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4]; myArray.desc = "for number"; // 循环数组,会把 desc 属性忽略掉 myArray.forEach(value => console.log(value)); // 循环 key for (let key in myArray) { console.log(key); } // 循环 value for (let value of myArray) { console.log(value); }
类,类是 TypeScript 的核心,使用 TypeScript 开发时,大部分代码都是写在类里面的。
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| class Person{ public name; private fish; constructor(public food:string) { console.log('Hello'); } public eat() { console.log(`My name is ${this.name},I am eating ${this.food}.`); } } var p1 = new Person("egg"); p1.name = "Luis Edware"; p1.eat(); class Employee extends Person{ public code: string; public constructor(public food: string, code:string) { super(food); this.code = code; } public work() { super.eat(); this.doWork(); } private doWork() { console.log(`I am Working with ${this.code}`); } } var e1 = new Employee("apple", "Hello World"); e1.name = "Ann Eason"; e1.work();
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| var workers: Array<Person> = []; workers[0] = new Person("zhangsan"); workers[1] = new Employee("lisi", "hell world"); // 报错,只能放入对象为 Person 类型的数据 workers[2] = 3;
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| interface IPerson{ name: string; age: number; } class Person{ constructor(public config: IPerson) { } } var p1 = new Person({ name: "hello", age: 123 }); interface Animal{ eat(); } class Sheep implements Animal { eat() { console.log("I am eating something"); } }
模块,模块可以帮助开发者将代码分割为可重用的单元。开发者可以自己决定将模块中的哪些资源(类、方法、变量)暴露出去供外部使用,哪些资源只在模块内使用。在 TypeScript 中,一个文件就是一个模块。export 和 import 关键字支撑模块的使用。export 对外暴露,import 对内导入。
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| export class Person{ } import {Person} from './person.tc';
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| import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { title = 'app works!'; }
类型定义文件(*.d.ts),用来帮助开发者在 TypeScript 中使用已有的 JavaScript 的工具包,如:jQuery,常用的类型文件可以从 Github 项目的 DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped 获取。或者使用工具 typings/typings。