ES5 和 ES6 区别
ES5 和 ES6 分别实现函数默认参数
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| function test(param) { param = param || "default param"; ... } function test(param = "default param") { ... }
ES5 和 ES6 分别实现字符串模板
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| var compiled = _.template("hello: <%= name %>"); compiled({name: "world"}); var name = "world"; var string = `hello ${name}`;
ES6 特性
let 和 const
let 声明的变量只在声明的块作用域中有效
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| function test(){ for (let i = 1; i < 3; i++) { console.log(i); } console.log(i); } test();
let 声明的变量不能被 let 重复声明
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| function test(){ let a = 1; let a = 2; } test();
const 声明的变量在声明之后无法修改其赋值
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| function test(){ const PI = 3.1415926535; PI = 8; console.log(PI); } test();
const 声明的变量必须在声明时候赋值
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| function test(){ const PI; PI = 3.1415926535; console.log(PI); } test();
1 2 3
| let a, b, c; [a, b, c] = [1, 2, 3]; console.log(a, b, c);
1 2 3
| let a, b, c; [a, b, ...c] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; console.log(a, b, c);
1 2 3
| let a, b, c, d; [a, b, c = 3, d] = [1, 2]; console.log(a, b, c, d);
1 2 3
| let a, b; ({a,b} = {a:1, b:2}); console.log(a, b);
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| var a = 6, b = 9, tmp; tmp = a ; a = b; b = tmp; console.log(a, b); let a = 6; let b = 9; [a, b] = [b, a]; console.log(a, b);
获取函数返回值 1
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| function test(){ return [1, 2]; } let a, b; [a, b] = test(); console.log(a, b);
获取函数返回值 2
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| function test(){ return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; } let a, b, c; [a,,,b] = f(); console.log(a, b);
获取函数返回值 3
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| function test(){ return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; } let a, b, c; [a,,...b] = test(); console.log(a,b);
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| { let data = { title: 'abc', test: [ { title: 'efg', description: 'Hello World' } ] }; let {title: esTitle, test: [{title: tsTitle, description: helloWorld}]} = data; console.log(esTitle, tsTitle, helloWorld); }
Unicode 表示法
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| { console.log('a', `\u0061`); console.log('s', `\u20BB7`); console.log('s', `\u{20BB7}`); } { let s = '𠮷'; console.log('length', s.length); console.log('0', s.charAt(0)); console.log('1', s.charAt(1)); console.log('at0', s.charCodeAt(0)); console.log('at1', s.charCodeAt(1)) let w = '𠮷A'; console.log('length', w.length); console.log('code0', w.codePointAt(0)); console.log('code0', w.codePointAt(0).toString(16)); console.log('code1', w.codePointAt(1)); console.log('code2', w.codePointAt(2)); } { console.log(String.fromCharCode("0x20bb7")); console.log(String.fromCodePoint("0x20bb7")); }
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| { var string = '\u{20bb7}abc'; for(let i=0; i < string.length; i++){ console.log('es5', string[i]); } for(let code of string){ console.log('es6', code); } }
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| { let string = "string"; console.log("inculdes", string.includes("r")); console.log("start", string.startsWith("str")); console.log("start", string.endsWith("ng")); let a = "abc"; console.log(a.repeat(2)); let name = "Luis Edware"; let info = "Hello World"; let temp = `I am ${name}, ${info}`; console.log(temp); let user = { name: "luis", info: "hello world" }; function test(s, v1, v2){ console.log(s, v1, v2); } test`i am ${},${}`; console.log(String.raw`Hi\n${1+2}`); console.log(`Hi\n${1+2}`); }
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| { console.log(0B111110111111); console.log(0O767); console.log('15', Number.isFinite(15)); console.log('NaN', Number.isNaN(NaN)) console.log('Integer 25', Number.isInteger(25)); console.log('Integer 25.0', Number.isInteger(25.0)); console.log('String 25', Number.isInteger("25")); console.log(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); console.log('10', Number.isSafeInteger(10)); console.log('90071992547409919', Number.isSafeInteger(90071992547409919)); console.log(4.1, Math.trunc(4.1)); console.log(4.9, Math.trunc(4.9)); console.log(-5, Math.sign(-5)); console.log(1, Math.sign(1)); console.log('string', Math.sign('string')); console.log(0, Math.sign(0)); console.log('-1', Math.cbrt(-1)); console.log('8', Math.cbrt(8)); }
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| { let arr = Array.of(1, "Hello", 2, "World"); console.log(arr); let empty = Array.of(); console.log(empty); let p = document.querySelectorAll('p'); let pArray = Array.from(p); pArray.forEach(function(item){ console.log(item.textContent); }); let numberArr = Array.from([1, 3, 5], function (item) { return item*2; }); console.log(numberArr); for (let index of ['1', 'c', 'ks'].keys()) { console.log('key', index); } for (let [index, value] of ['1', 'c', 'ks'].entries()) { console.log('key', index); console.log('value', value); } console.log([1, 2, 3, 4, 5].copyWithin(0, 3, 4)); console.log([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].find(function(item){return item > 3;})); console.log([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].findIndex(function(item){return item > 3;})); console.log([1, 2, NaN].includes(1)); }
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| { function test(x, y = 'world'){ console.log('默认值', x, y); } test('Hello'); test('Hello', 'Luis Edware') }
rest 参数
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| { function test(...arg){ for (let v of arg) { console.log('rest', v); } } test(1, 2, 3, 4, 'a'); }
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| { console.log(...[1, 2, 4]); console.log('a',...[1, 2, 4]); }
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| { let arrow = v => v*2; console.log('arrow', arrow(3)); let arrow2 = () => 5; console.log('arrow2', arrow2()); }
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| { function tail(x){ console.log('tail', x); } function fx(x){ return tail(x); } fx(123); }
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| { var o = 1; var k = 2; var es5 = { o: o, k: k } let es6 = { o, k } console.log(es5, es6); var es5Method = { hello: function(){ console.log('hello'); } } let es6Method = { hello(){ console.log('world'); } } console.log(es5Method, es6Method); }
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| { let a = 'b'; let es5Object = { a: 'c', b: 'c' }; function test(){ return 'c'; } let es6Object = { [a]: 'c', [test()]: 'd' }; console.log(es5Object, es6Object); }
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| { let {a, b, ...c} = { a: 'test', b: 'kill', c: 'dddd', d: 'ffff' } console.log(a, b, c) }
Object 新增方法
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| { console.log('字符串','abc', 'abc'), 'abc' === 'abc'); console.log('数组',[], []), [] === []); console.log('拷贝', Object.assign({a: 'a'}, {b: 'b'})); let test = {k: 123, o: 456}; for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(test)) { console.log([key, value]); } }
Symbol 的概念
Symbol 是一种基本数据类型
Symbol 的作用
Symbol() 函数会返回 Symbol 值,每个值都是唯一的。一个 symbol 值能作为对象属性的标识符。
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| { let a1 = Symbol(); let a2 = Symbol(); console.log(a1 === a2); let a3 = Symbol('foo'); let a4 = Symbol('foo'); console.log(a3 === a4); } { let a1 = Symbol.for('abc'); let obj = { [a1]: '123', 'abc': 345, 'c': 456 } console.log(obj); for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) { console.log(key, value); } Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj).forEach(function(item){ console.log(obj[item]); }) Reflect.ownKeys(obj).forEach(function(item){ console.log('ownkeys', item, obj[item]); }) }
Set 对象是值的集合,你可以按照插入的顺序迭代它的元素。 Set中的元素只会出现一次,即 Set 中的元素是唯一的。
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| { let list = new Set(); list.add(1); list.add(3); list.add(5); list.add(7); console.log('size', list.size); console.log('length', list.length); } { let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2]; let list = new Set(arr); console.log(list); } { let arr = ['add', 'delete', 'clear', 'has']; let list = new Set(arr); console.log('has', list.has('has')); console.log('delete', list.delete('add'), list); list.clear() console.log('clear', list); } { let arr = ['add', 'delete', 'clear', 'has']; let list = new Set(arr); for (let key of list.keys()) { console.log('key', key); } for (let value of list.values()) { console.log('value', value); } for (let item of list) { console.log('item', item); } for (let [key, value] of list.entries()) { console.log('entries', key, value); } list.forEach(function(item){ console.log(item); }); }
WeakSet 和 Set 的区别:WeakSet 只能存储对象类型的数据。WeakSet 存储对象数据时是基于弱引用,不会检测对象数据是否被垃圾回收。WeakSet 类型没有 clear() 方法,WeakSet 不能遍历。
new Map([iterable]),Iterable 可以是一个数组或者其他 iterable 对象,其元素或为键值对,或为两个元素的数组。 每个键值对都会添加到新的 Map。null 会被当做 undefined。
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| { let map = new Map(); let arr = ['123']; map.set(arr, 456); console.log(map, map.get(arr)); } { let map = new Map([['a',123],['b',456]]); console.log('map args', map); console.log('size', map.size) }
- 只能存储对象类型数据
- 没有 clear() 方法
- 不能遍历
Map 与 Array 的对比
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| { let map = new Map(); let arr = []; map.set('t', 1); arr.push({t: 1});'map-array', map, arr); let map_exist = map.has('t'); let arr_exist = arr.find(item => item.t);'map-array', map_exist, arr_exist); map.set('t', 2); arr.forEach(item => item.t ? item.t = 2 : '');'map-array', map, arr); map.delete('t'); let index = arr.findIndex(item => item.t); arr.splice(index, 1);'map-array', map, arr); }
Set 与 Array 的对比
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| { let set = new Set(); let arr = []; obj = {t:1}; set.add(obj); arr.push(obj); console.log('set-array', set, arr); let setExist = set.has(obj); let arrExist = arr.find(item => item.t); console.log('set-array', setExist, arrExist); set.forEach(item => item.t ? item.t = 2 : ''); arr.forEach(item => item.t ? item.t = 2 : ''); console.log('set-array', set, arr); set.forEach(item => item.t ? set.delete(obj) : ''); let index = arr.findIndex(item => item.t); arr.splice(index, 1);'set-array', set, arr); }
Map、Set 与 Object 对比
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| { let item = {t:1}; let map = new Map(); let set = new Set(); let obj = {}; map.set('t', 1); set.add(item); obj['t'] = 1; console.log('map-set-obj', map, set, obj);{ mapExist: map.has('t'), setExist: set.has(item), objExist: 't' in obj }); map.set('t', 2); item.t = 2; obj['t'] = 2;'map-set-obj-modify', map, set, obj); map.delete('t'); set.delete(item); delete obj['t'];'map-set-obj-delete', map, set, obj); }
以后使用数据结构时,优先考虑 Set 和 Map 数据结构,然后才是 Array 和 Object 数据结构
Proxy 和 Reflect
Proxy 概念、适用场景
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| { let obj = { time: '2017-03-11', name: 'net', _r: 123 } let monitor = new Proxy(obj, { get(target, key){ if (key === 'time') { return target[key].replace('2017', '2888'); } }, set(target, key, value){ if (key === 'name') { return target[key] = value; }else{ return target[key]; } }, has(target, key){ if (key === 'name') { return target[key] }else{ return false; } }, deleteProperty(target, key){ if (key.indexOf('_') > -1) { delete target[key]; return true; }else{ return target[key]; } }, ownKeys(target){ return Object.keys(target).filter(item => item != 'time'); } }); console.log(monitor.time); console.log( = "Hello World"); console.log(monitor._r = "_r", obj); console.log('time' in monitor, 'name' in monitor); console.log(delete monitor['_r']); console.log(delete monitor['name'], monitor); console.log(Object.keys(monitor)); }
Reflect 概念、适用场景
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| { let obj = { time: '2017-03-11', name: 'net', _r: 123 } console.log("Reflect get", Reflect.get(obj, 'time')); Reflect.set(obj, 'name', 'MuKeWang'); console.log(obj); console.log(Reflect.has(obj, 'name')); } { function validator(target, validators){ return new Proxy(target, { _validators: validators, set(target, key, value, proxy){ if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) { let va = this._validators[key]; console.log(va); if (!!va(value)) { return Reflect.set(target, key, value, proxy) }else{ throw Error(`不能设置 ${key} 到 ${value}`); } }else { throw Error(`${key} 不存在`); } } }); } const personValidators = { name(val){ return typeof val === 'string'; }, age(val){ return typeof val === 'number' && val > 18; } } class Person{ constructor(name, age){ = name; this.age = age; return validator(this, personValidators); } } const person = new Person('LuisEdware', 12); console.log(person); console.log(person.age = 48); }
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| { class Parent{ constructor(name = "LuisEdware"){ = name; } } let parent = new Parent('HelloWorld'); console.log(parent); class Child extends Parent{ constructor(name){ super(name); this.type = 'child'; } } let child = new Child(); console.log(child); } { class Parent{ constructor(name = 'Luis'){ = name; } get firstName(){ return "Luis"; } get fullName(){ return + 'Edware'; } set firstName(value){ return = value; } } parent = new Parent(); console.log(parent.firstName = "I Love You,"); console.log(parent.fullName); } { class Parent{ constructor(name = 'Luis'){ = name; } static tell(){ console.log('Do you like what do you see?'); } } Parent.type = "static Propertory"; Parent.tell(); console.log('静态属性', Parent.type); }
Promise 对象用于一个异步操作的最终完成(或失败)及其结果值的表示。(简单点说就是处理异步请求。
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| { let ajax = function(callback){ console.log('执行1'); setTimeout(function(){ callback &&; }, 2000); } ajax(function(){ console.log('TimeOut 2'); }); } { let ajax = function(){ console.log('执行2'); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function () { resolve(); }, 4000) }) } ajax().then(function(){ console.log("TimeOut 4"); },function(){ }); } { let ajax = function(){ console.log('执行3'); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function () { resolve(); }, 1000) }) } ajax().then(function(){ console.log("执行 3-1"); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function () { resolve(); }, 1000) }); }).then(function(){ console.log("执行 3-2"); }); } { let ajax = function(num){ console.log('执行4'); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ if (num > 5) { resolve(); }else{ throw new Error("出现错误"); } }); } ajax(6).then(function(){ console.log('log', 6); }).catch(function(error){ console.log('catch', error); }); ajax(3).then(function(){ console.log('log', 3); }).catch(function(error){ console.log('catch', error); }); } { function loadImg(src){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = src; img.onload = function(){ resolve(img); } img.onerror = function(){ reject(err); } }) } function showImgs(imgs){ imgs.forEach(function(img){ document.body.appendChild(img); }) } Promise.all([ loadImg(''), loadImg(''), loadImg('') ]).then(showImgs); } { function loadImg(src){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = src; img.onload = function(){ resolve(img); } img.onerror = function(){ reject(err); } }) } function showImgs(img){ let p = document.createElement('p'); p.appendChild(img); document.body.appendChild(p); } Promise.race([ loadImg(''), loadImg(''), loadImg('') ]).then(showImgs); }
- export 语句用于在创建 JavaScript 模块时,从模块中导出函数、对象或原始值,以便其他程序可以通过 import 语句使用它们。
- import 语句用于导入由另一个模块导出的绑定。
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| export let a = 123; export function test(){ console.log('test'); } export class Hello{ test(){ console.log('class'); } } let a = 123; let test = function(){ console.log('test'); } class Hello{ test(){ console.log('class'); } } export default { a, test, Hello }
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| import {a, test, Hello} from 'file.js'; import * as all from 'file.js'; import Luis from 'file'.js